Neck Deep - Beautiful Madness | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - Beautiful Madness | I can't go back. Aku tidak bisa kembali. It's not how it was before. Ini tidak sepert…
Neck Deep - Heavy Lies | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - Heavy Lies | What goes through your head. Apa yang terjadi di seluruh kepalamu. Yeah my thoughts never stop. Ya, …
Neck Deep - 19 Seventy Sumthin' | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - 19 Seventy Sumthin' | Let's start it here. Mari kita mulai di sini. Back in nineteen-seventy-sumthin' K…
Neck Deep - Wish You Were Here | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - Wish You Were Here | Take it slow. Santai saja. Tell me all how you've grown just for me. Katakanlah padaku bet…
Neck Deep - Where Do We Go When We Go | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - Where Do We Go When We Go | Pain, pain go away, come back another day. Rasa sakit berlalu, hari lainnya telah tiba.…
Neck Deep - Worth It | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - Worth It | Can you feel it. Bisakah kau merasakannya. In the spaces all around and in between it. Di ruang-ruang …
Neck Deep - Parachute | Lirik Lagu Terjemahan | Neck Deep - Parachute | It's another day, Inilah hari lainnya, Wanna get away from here. (Aku) ingin pergi men…
Neck Deep - Motion Sickness | Lirik Lagu Terjemahan | Neck Deep - Motion Sickness | It's time to kick the habit, I'm coming clean. Sudah waktunya menendang kebias…
Neck Deep - Don't Wait (Feat. Sam Carter) | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - Don't Wait (Feat. Sam Carter) | Disrupted they keep dividing The government is lying I'm not going to be a…
Neck Deep - In Bloom | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - In Bloom | Sometimes, at night I let it get to me. Terkadang, di malam hari aku membiarkan itu menyinggahiku. And …
Neck Deep - The Grand Delusion | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - The Grand Delusion | I'm coming to the conclusion, Aku sampai pada kesimpulannya, I think I would rather be, Ak…
Neck Deep - Happy Judgement Day | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - Happy Judgement Day | Oh, what a time to be alive! Oh, ini waktunya untuk merasa bersemangat! Wake up and smell th…
Neck Deep - December (Feat. Chris Carrabba) | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - December (Feat. Chris Carrabba) | ***Neck Deep*** Walked round the block a thousand times (Aku) berjalan keliling b…
Neck Deep - December (Again) Feat. Mark Hoppus | Lirik Lagu | Neck Deep - December (Again) Feat. Mark Hoppus | ***Neck Deep*** Walked round the block a thousand times (Aku) berjalan kelilin…