Calum Scott

Calum Scott - Hotel Room

| Lirik Lagu | Calum Scott - Hotel Room | What's on your mind? Apa yang ada di pikiranmu? 'Cause I've been thinking about last n…

Calum Scott - Give Me Love (Feat. Don Diablo)

| Lirik Lagu | Calum Scott - Give Me Love (Feat. Don Diablo) | When the lights come on, the party's over. Saat lampu-lampu menyala, pesta…

Calum Scott - Only You

| Lirik Lagu | Calum Scott - Only You | Only you, you, you... Hanya kau... Only you, you, you... Hanya kau... I remember in the schoolyard…

Calum Scott - What I Miss Most

| Lirik Lagu | Calum Scott - What I Miss Most | It must have been a year since. Ini pasti sudah setahun sejak hari itu. I was thrown across …

Calum Scott - Give Me Something

| Lirik Lagu | Calum Scott - Give Me Something | I called your number about a thousand times. Aku menghubungi nomormu seribu kali. And I know…

Calum Scott - Golden Slumbers

| Lirik Lagu | Calum Scott - Golden Slumbers | Once there was a way to get back homeward. Pernah ada cara untuk kembali ke jalan pulang. And on…

Calum Scott - Sore Eyes

| Lirik Lagu | Calum Scott - Sore Eyes | There I was. Di sana aku dulu. And here I go. Dan ke sini aku melangkah. Some say take it. Ada yang…

Calum Scott - Come Back Home

| Lirik Lagu | Calum Scott - Come Back Home | I thought, you'd stay. Aku pikir kau akan tinggal. Just a little bit longer. Sedikit lebih l…

Calum Scott - Open Up

| Lirik Lagu | Calum Scott - Open Up | You shut me out. Kau menghalangi aku masuk. Shut me out again. Kau menghalangi aku masuk lagi. So t…

Calum Scott - No Matter What

| Lirik Lagu | Calum Scott - No Matter What | When I was a young boy I was scared of growing up. Saat aku kecil dulu, aku takut tumbuh dewasa.…

Calum Scott - You Are The Reason

| Lirik Lagu Terjemahan | Calum Scott - You Are The Reason | There goes my heart beating. Jantungku berdetak. Cause you are the reason. Ka…

Calum Scott - Rhythm Inside

| Lirik Lagu Terjemahan | Calum Scott - Rhythm Inside | So many eyes, I can't see. Begitu banyak mata, aku tidak bisa melihat. I'm …

Calum Scott - Won't Let You Down

| Lirik Lagu  | Calum Scott - Won't Let You Down | The love of your life. Cinta dalam hidupmu. He's treating you wrong. Dia memper…

Calum Scott - Sky Full of Colour

| Lirik Lagu  | Calum Scott - Sky Full of Colour | I'm seeing these faces of pure black and white. Aku melihat wajah-wajah murni yang hi…

Calum Scott - Stop Myself (Only Human)

| Lirik Lagu  | Calum Scott - Stop Myself (Only Human) | Driven to the fire. (Kita) terdorong ke dalam api. Take it back to where we starte…

Calum Scott - Not Dark Yet

| Lirik Lagu  | Calum Scott - Not Dark Yet | Shadows are falling, and I've been here all day. Bayangan-bayangan jatuh, dan aku telah ber…
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