Allie X

Allie X - Not So Bad in LA

| Lirik Lagu | Allie X - Not So Bad in LA | In a city that lives while its bright stars die. Di sebuah kota yang hidup, sementara itu membuat …

Allie X - Focus

| Lirik Lagu | Allie X - Focus | Keep your eyes on me. Tetaplah melihat padaku. There ain't anyone else. Tidak ada orang lain. Skies a…

Allie X - Science

| Lirik Lagu | Allie X - Science | Think we can see Mercury. Aku pikir kita bisa melihat Merkurius. Following the light. Mengikuti cahaya. …

Allie X - Little Things

| Lirik Lagu | Allie X - Little Things | I put my head on my shoulders. Aku letakkan kepalaku di pundakku. Try to be someone, yeah... Menco…

Allie X - Need You (Feat. Valley Girl)

| Lirik Lagu  | Allie X - Need You (Feat. Valley Girl) | ***Allie X*** Hey, where'd you go? Hey, kemana kau pergi? We used to be frien…

"Allie X - True Love Is Violent"

| Lirik Lagu  | Allie X - True Love Is Violent | The surface of the water is serene But what goes on below? Hungry current sucking at your …

"Allie X - Downtown"

| Lirik Lagu  | Allie X - Downtown | Love is a condition of the head Wanna push a button and reset But you're still up in my skirt I t…

"Allie X - That's So Us"

| Lirik Lagu  | Allie X - That's So Us | Can't do crowds, not our scene We get anxiety That's so you, that's so me That…

"Allie X - Old Habits Die Hard"

| Lirik Lagu  | Allie X - Old Habits Die Hard | Shame on me slap on my wrist At your door and I'm not proud of it Yesterday I said I…

"Allie X - Simon Says"

| Lirik Lagu  | Allie X - Simon Says | Everyday I put my hands on my head Everyday my fingers are a gun Everyday I'm making strange fac…

"Allie X - Lifted"

| Lirik Lagu  | Allie X - Lifted | We're the lifted boys and girls and we are on a roll Listening to everything from grunge to rock n…

"Allie X - Casanova"

| Lirik Lagu  | Allie X - Casanova | I'm here dancing on the edge of the night I'm sleepwalking with a hand full of blue dice One H…

"Allie X - Vintage"

| Lirik Lagu  | Allie X - Vintage | We got the classic image We got the glossy finish Bringing back all that good shit Our love is vintage…

"Allie X - Paper Love"

| Lirik Lagu  | Allie X - Paper Love | I believe, I believe in the things you do And I wanna believe you believe that too All the noise in …
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